Dear community. A few things to note.

14 Apr 2023, 15:44
Dear community! A few things to note. First, our mods @Agz18 @OKTCModerator @Iamfurst will help you guys if you are having a difficulty getting your "community" role on Discord. Please remember, our mods or OKT Chain team will NEVER DM YOU. Second, if you are getting a verification error on QuestN, please try again after some time. This issue is being handled by QuestN team. They are aware of the issue. Third, once you have the OKTC Agent role on Discord, you can go to #🕵️┃agents-chat and start conversations there. Fourth, our Agents will get their tasks through #🕵️┃zealy-tasks channel, so I highly recommend you to keep a close eye on that channel. Some tasks are already available for you to complete. Remember, you are Agents, and your rewards depend on your performance of completing the missions in #🕵️┃zealy-tasks channel Fifth, clear description of rewards, when and how they are rewarded will be announced here on Monday. We welcome you all to our community and very excited to what is to come. We are going to be one of the BEST COMMUNITIES in the space, and you guys will be the BEST AGENTS to achieve that MISSION! LFG!!!